Little Valley 3rd Ward Young Men

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Red Cliffs Area Camp out

We just got back from a great camp out in the Red cliffs area near Silver Reef. We didn't actually get to camp in the "Red Cliffs Recreation Area" but Jon B. knew of a great spot just up the road from Sliver Reef. We were surrounded by majestic red rocks and amazing views. The weather was perfect and we had a great time.

If you had to ask the boys what their favorite part was you might get a variation of responses. Some liked climbing the rocks, playing in the Ice cold creek below us, hiking to the top of the ridge for an amazing view of all of Washington County, or if they know what is good for them they will say it was the food. No offense mothers but I even had 1 boy say and I quote, "this is the best breakfast I have ever had."

Since we haven't been camping for a while and we had a few boys flake out on us I decided to make them wish they had come. New York Steaks for the boys and Rib Eyes for the leaders. {Had to stop typing for a second, I drooled on the keyboard}. We had salad and dinner rolls on the side. After dinner the boys tromped down to the river to set their crayfish traps hoping to catch a little snack for brunch.

Breakfast was Sausage, Eggs, hash browns, and dutch over biscuits with country gravy. {Just drooled on the keyboard again}.

After clean up we went to explore and play in the creek below. We wanted to discover the source of the mysterious waterfalls that seemed to be coming out of no-where. Alas we discovered a frigid canal spilling over with runoff waters. In places the canal was deep enough to swim so it should come as no surprise there was some swimming. Not for long as that water was snow just a few short minutes ago and cray cold.

We also hiked to the top of the ridge outside of camp to survey the surroundings. We live in a beautiful place.

Great time. No one got hurt and no one got in a fight. Success!

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LV3 Young Men Documents

This is the area we will be hiking on our backpacking trip in July to 
the Boulder mountains.  We will probably be camping at Blind lake and 
Fish Creek Lake.

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