Little Valley 3rd Ward Young Men

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Boulder Mountain Thoughts

We only have a few days left to prepare for our trip to the Boulder Mountains. I am about to burst with excitement.

Here are some thoughts as you prepare, pack, and gear up.

We will be leaving St. George on Tuesday morning around 9:00 am. We can pack a lunch to eat in Loa or Bicknell. I generally don't take lunches. I just eat a late breakfast, early diner and snack in between. That leaves 4 Dinners and 4 breakfasts to prepare for. I spent $25 on 4 of those Mountain Home dehydrated meals. They are good but man that is a lot of cash. Consider something like Shells and cheese, or Ramen Noodles or something like that to save money. Anything that only requires water to prepare. You could probably eat well for the whole week for under $10. I got a 10 pack of instant oatmeal to eat for breakfast. They are cheep, easy, and not too heavy. I just use plastic utensils and never have a problem.

My brother and I caught fish and caught enough to have a lot of fun. We will be going later in the summer when the water temps have warmed slightly. Many fish will begin to move deeper and may be though to catch. I have treated this website like my Boulder Mountain Fishing Bible. Check it out for stuff to try. We had good success towing flys behind bubbles. I acutally tied on a wooly bigger and then 2 feet behind the wooly bugger a little tiny zebra midge.

There is a lot of gear that one could take but I would advise to take only what you really need. Flashlight, pliers, pocket knife, rope, and a first aid kit might be wise things to throw in. No need for every boy to bring their own tent. Tristen needs a tent partner and will be happy to carry someone's poles in exchange for a place to sleep.

I like to avoid cotton like jeans and hoodies. It is heavy and it will freeze you to death if it gets wet. I like wool socks to wic moisture and avoid blisters and sythetic fiber pants and shirts because the dry quickly and are warm even when wet. Definitely take a warm jacket as the nights get pretty cold and think layers. Shorts should be ok during the days but take some mosquito repellant. I hate mosquitos and will even wear a head net to keep them from annoying me. Sure I look dumb but it is worth it. No one will judge anyone for wearing the same shirt or pants two days in a row. It isn't a fashion show.

This will hopefully be a week that we will always remember. I am going to catch the biggest fish you ever saw.

Overall I am stoked!

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LV3 Young Men Documents

This is the area we will be hiking on our backpacking trip in July to 
the Boulder mountains.  We will probably be camping at Blind lake and 
Fish Creek Lake.

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